Access, Discover and Innovate with Out-Of-Home Audiences and Inventory

Knitting.Media provide Google and Amazon powered workbooks for the MediaTel Route API that allows you to query and access detailed Route Outdoor Analytics Data for OOH Poster/Frame audience volumes and profiles across the United Kingdom.

The browser based tools allow anyone with a web browser to Access, Discover and Innovate with UK #OOH and #DOOH audience data and inventory.

The Knitting Media Interactive Route Workbook democratises discovery of Route data and brings evidence based innovation to your data driven media decisions, speeding up time to market and saving on development costs.

Please contact us to arrange a demo and gain access to the workbook and other connectivity services.


  • Browser based service requiring no install or on-site licensing.

  • Workbook based UI which allows users to build Route queries in logical blocks.

  • Combined Frame Search & Frame Data loaded directly into a spreadsheet for further data manipulation & visualisation.

  • Multiple Frame & Audience Profiling by Impacts, GRP, Reach & Respondents.